What Do You Do After A Fender Bender?

Not every car accident is a horrific event leading to injury and death. Fender benders account for many car accidents, ending in little more than a few dents and minor–if any–damage to motorists and passengers. However, even the seemingly insignificant fender bender is considered a car accident under the law, and you should treat it… read more

What Should I Do In A Non-Injury Car Accident

Most motorists will experience a car accident at some point in their driving lives. However, statistically, the majority of those accidents will be minor and involve no injuries. For example, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics website, in 2019, just 2.74 million of the more than 6.7 million crashes in the United States involved an injury…. read more

Right-of-Way Laws in Tennessee

All motorists have a duty of care to abide by traffic laws to prevent accidents and make the roadways in the state of Tennessee generally safer. The right-of-way rules that exist for motorists and pedestrians refer to the legal right that one vehicle or pedestrian has to proceed when one or more other vehicles or… read more

Should I Use a Motorcycle Crash Bar?

While motorcycle crash bars are not required under Tennessee law, they can help provide additional protection that can help avoid serious injuries. The experienced motorcycle injury lawyer at Labrum Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers take on a wide range of personal injury cases, including car accidents, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents. No matter what type… read more

Are Punitive Damages Allowed In Nashville?

Many different states allow for punitive damages. The court can award punitive damages to the injured party in a civil lawsuit. These damages are in addition to the economic damages suffered by the party filing the claim. The purpose of these damages is to punish the defendant and hopefully deter similar conduct in the future…. read more

How Old Does A Child Need To Be To Ride On The Back Of A Motorcycle In Tennessee?

Across the country, there are five states that have a minimum legal age for a child to ride on the back of a motorcycle. The state of Tennessee is not on that list and so it is critically important that parents use their best judgment with respect to the safety of their children. Motorcycles are… read more

Is It Legal To Go Through A Yellow Light In Nashville?

Going through a yellow light is legal in Tennessee. Drivers can generally enter an intersection on a yellow light but must stop for red. In added a law that provides absolute clarity on the issue of yellow lights and states that drivers do not commit a traffic violation unless their front wheels cross the stopping… read more

What Happens If I Get In An Accident In A Company Vehicle?

Being involved in a car accident in a company vehicle is a worst-case scenario for many professionals, yet it is a very real possibility. While experiencing an accident in your personal vehicle is difficult enough to navigate, being involved in a car accident while driving a company vehicle poses additional complications and another set of… read more

How To Get An Accident Report In Tennessee

Car accidents can be frightening and confusing. It is normal to be shaken up and unable to think clearly in the moments after an accident, particularly if you suffered injuries. In many cases, victims of a car accident are actually in a state of shock. However, calling law enforcement to the scene of the accident… read more

Is It Legal To Drive Barefoot In Nashville, Tennessee?

It is summer, and while you are running errands, you decide to kick off your flip-flops or shoes and drive barefoot. If you suddenly ask yourself whether it is legal to drive barefoot in Tennessee, you can rest assured that yes, driving barefoot is legal. In fact, there are no laws making barefoot driving illegal… read more